ヒトシミュレータ Human Simulator
【研究目的】 より実践的な実習環境を目指して
使用ツール:Visual Studio 2008,2013(C#),Heart To Heart 4 ver2.3,SolidWorks
1.研究背景 Research background
In recent years, the environment surrounding medical care has greatly changed, such as advances in medical technology and medical specialization supported by it, sophistication of patient demand, lack of doctors, and an increase in medical litigation.
Amid such changes, lack of skills such as clinical communication skills of medical graduates has become a problem. This is thought to be due to the lack of practical training for medical students.
In view of this lack of practical training, we will develop a human simulator that can perform the same actions as an actual patient and can reproduce various conditions of the patient.
2.バイタルサイン Vital signs
vital sign is a vital sign obtained from a patient and is a very important information collecting means for grasping a patient's condition.
This vital sign is not constant depending on the patient, and it is difficult to measure only by knowledge in the textbook.
Therefore, in this study, we will create a human simulator that can reproduce the vital signs of patients, and will be able to practice the patient's condition.

3.ヒトシミュレータ Human Simulator
The human simulator is being developed as a single function such as vital signs and motor functions.
Motor function is used as a means of output, mainly developing arm mechanisms and eye mechanisms.
As an example, the eye mechanism has developed a mechanism capable of visualizing the patient and moving the eyeball. Vital signs and motor functions are linked by reproducing pupil changes and blinks.

展望:汎用性の高いヒトシミュレータ Prospect:The versatile human simulator
Medical sites are not limited to hospitals, but are diversifying at home, accident sites, disaster areas, etc. Simulators that can be practiced at all these sites are important.
In addition, because the patient has various conditions, we aim to develop a versatile human simulator that assumes a wide range of situations and conditions.